1 in stock
Age Recommendation 3-8 years Dimensions 7 x 2,6 x 9,4 cm The Llama from schleich® FARM WORLD has a thick, white coat. Its wool is wonderfully soft, warm, and perfect for people with allergies. Llamas are hump-less camels that originate in the South American Andes, and eat plants and grasses. They have a split upper lip and are known for spitting at rivals in order to establish ranking within their…
2 in stock
Age Recommendation 3-8 years Dimensions 6,8 x 4 x 4,3 cm The Swan from schleich® FARM WORLD has a pronounced black knob at the base of its beak. “Mute” refers to the fact that this species is less vocal than other swan species. The large birds are part of the water fowl order and prefer to live by lakes and ponds. They feed on water plants and small animals. When foraging for food they dabble with…
2 in stock
Age Recommendation 3-8 years Dimensions 5,8 x 2,6 x 8,9 cm Pieces 1 Item What is the first thing you notice about our Stork from schleich® FARM WORLD? Exactly! Its long, red beak. Our white stork particularly likes to use this to poke around for insects, worms or frogs in the water. The black and white feathered bird really enjoys them. That and dancing on pillows. To be able to walk through swamp…